Lords & Ladies of the Sanctuary

We would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their outstanding efforts and support in the establishment and/or supporting the ongoing work of the Sanctuary.  They should all be knighted…

Those who have helped with establishing the Sanctuary and keeping it going:

*Lord Rob and Lady Liz Aitken – for applying their keen aim to provide a supply of local rabbits for our eagles

*Lord Rob Amor – who provided expert arborist skills to clear spaces for building aviaries, contributed timber and his time building aviaries.

*Lady Gloria Barrett – for her incredibly generous financial support, especially in assisting with funding the building of Kevy’s enclosure.

*Lady Wendy Black – for her amazing fundraising efforts, such as producing the ‘Rehabilitated Birds of Prey’ calendar and providing a number of generous donations toward the aviaries.

*Lord John Canham – for his donation of time and materials for the construction of our Boobook owl enclosure gates.

*Lord Ron Collins (RIP) – for sharing his carpentry skills to build a perch and other aviary structures.

*Lady Tamara Downey – who shared her expertise as an education consultant on developing curriculum materials for schools, and also applied her muscular strength at our working bee.

*Lady Elle Fox – who committed time and energy to our Sanctuary as a regular volunteer (helping with training the birds and cleaning their enclosures between May 2015 and December 2017), has given kind donations and was also our Twitter account manager.

*Lady Michelle Manhal (RIP) – for her advice on raptor handling and her outstanding contributions to raptor rehabilitation at her own shelter over many years.

*Lords & Ladies of Narmbool Environmental Learning Centre as they were in 2015: Janelle Spierings, Scott Walker, Matthew Dowler & Sovereign Hill management for their support of our programs.

*Lord Greg Parker and Lady Julia Leonard from Ballarat Wildlife Park who provided us with our fabulous Quil, the Wedge-tailed Eagle and support our programs.

*Lady Bev Scuffins (1934 – 2012) – whose generous legacy enabled us to be inspired to create the Sanctuary in the first instance and build most of the infrastructure to house the birds.

*Lady Melissa Smith – who helped us to create a brilliant Pozible campaign by filming Martin and Morgaine, and by taking the one photograph of Martin that he’s been able to tolerate looking at for many a year. See her website here.

*Lord Patrick Glennon – for his unmatched expertise with improving the carpentry on our enclosures, combatting our ancient electrical system and a dedicated Sanctuary volunteer since 2021.

*Lord Paolo Tami – for his completely selfless and generous efforts in developing our logo, website and brochures and offering ongoing support for all of our website issues. This website and our marketing materials would not be here without his skills.  See his website here.

*Lord Bruce Terrill – who became a regular Sanctuary volunteer in 2017, giving up his precious time to help train our birds and clean their enclosures.

*Lord Ravi Wasan from Feathered Friends Animal Productions – for providing our gorgeous owls: Mokey, our Boobook and Min Min, our Barn Owl.

*Lady Molly Watchorn – who has been our most dedicated Sanctuary volunteer (since December 2015), giving up her precious time to help train our birds and clean their enclosures.

*Lord David Whelan – for his amazing photography of our resident birds and his community work in raising awareness about birds of prey.

*Lord Damian Zabinskas – who loaned us his scaffolding and provided his amazing building skills and advice.

*Our working bee volunteers & supporters:  *Mount Buninyong Winery    *Michael Armstrong   *Sarah Cottingham  * Janelle Spierings   *Scott Walker   *Tamara Downey   *Damian Zabinskas   *Rob Amor

Those who have made generous financial donations over the years:

*Lady Vicki Aumann – in whose name her mother made a donation.

*Ladies Andrea & Laura Black and Lord John Black

*Lord Thomas Condie – for his generous donation as a result of his remarkable fundraising skills at such a young age: selling wrist bands at his primary school with the slogan “Saving birds of prey…it’s child’s play”.

*Ladies & Lords from Daylesford Dharma School for their incredible fundraising efforts.

*Lady Maia Draper – for her generous donation as a result of her remarkable fundraising skills at her local primary school.

*Lady Christina Freestone

*Ladies & Lords from Friends of Steele Creek Landcare Group

*Ladies & Lords from Gordon Ukestra

*Lords Ashley, Lachlan & Cameron Lucas

*Lady Kris Peter and Lord John Peter

*Lady Maureen Sladdin

*Lord Michael Stone – for his regular financial contributions to the Sanctuary.

*Wildlife Art Society of Australasia (WASA) who made a generous donation in memory of their members, Jo and Fox.

Our Corporate Supporter

*Viva Energy Australia – for their generous donation that came just when we needed it to help build another enclosure.

 Our Pozible Supporters

Our Sanctuary would not have happened without the financial support of so many people.  To get the business started, i.e. to fund our public liability insurance and some of the costs of developing this website, we created a Pozible campaign called Birds of Prey Save the Planet. We received an incredible response from 49 people, who all made pledges to the campaign and enabled us to surpass our initial target. For pledges made above $100, part of the reward was to be acknowledged on our website. Here are the people  who made such generous pledges to the Sanctuary:

1. A number of generous people who chose to remain anonymous

2. The following generous people:

  • Naama Amram
  • Andrea Black
  • Peter Box
  • Elizabeth and Ken Davis
  • Rosie Ganino
  • Rhonda and Steve Hodgetts
  • Kerrie Horwood
  • Stephanie Lee & Ken Wong
  • Julia Leonard
  • Avis & Alex Macphee
  • Helen Percy
  • Jenny and Peter Sedgwick
  • Alison Shirley
  • Helen Thompson
  • Linda Zibell