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Over the years, Leigh Valley Hawk and Owl Sanctuary has allowed people of all ages, but particularly school-aged students, to experience a close encounter with trained yet ‘wild’ creatures, affording them a rare opportunity to understand and feel an affinity for the natural world and wild creatures on a much deeper level based on a direct face-to-face experience. Birds of prey are excellent ambassadors for conservation and our displays provide people with the opportunity to witness these creatures at close range and observe them demonstrating their natural behaviour – in flight.

Although our work has become more streamlined in recent times and is now fitted around our other income streams and busy lives, our aim is to continue to provide informative shows wherever possible. As our educational displays are now only conducted at a site of living history style education (Kryal Castle), they are also historically informed, exploring the long and colourful history of the relationship between hunting birds and human beings. Although the history of falconry has become an emphasis, we also incorporate the vital underlying themes of conservation of native biodiversity, ecology and sustainable living into our programs.

In addition, we supply unique and innovative educational resources to schools, such as owl pellet dissection kits, to aid and foster environmental education in school curricula.

Also, by supporting Wildlife Shelters through specialised advice and publications, such as Martin’s rehabilitation manual ‘Raptors in Care’, we also hope to have a positive influence on the welfare of injured birds of prey in captivity and their rehabilitation outcomes.